Saturday, October 31, 2009

Lincoln, age 3

Jamie said to Lincoln, "Let's get you a bath with tons of bubbles!" and he responded, "I don't want bubbles, I want girls!"

Friday, October 23, 2009

Lincoln, age 3

This isn't funny. Tonight at dinner, Lincoln said "Dinner is really good. Thanks for dinner, mom." Ahhhh!

Lincoln, age 3

Jamie asked Lincoln what Ana wants for her birthday, and he said "a boob."

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Lincoln, age 3

Ana can't have this bear. She's lost her privilege.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Lincoln, age 3

L - That's an old man.
Me - How do you know he's old?
L - Old people die. Jesus doesn't love old people.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Lincoln, age 3

"I'm not a dude. I'm a women."

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Lincoln, age 1 1/2

We went to the rodeo when Lincoln was about one and a half, and they were doing the calf-roping
here they lasso the calf and then tie it's legs, and when he saw the calf on the ground, he said "it's dead!"

Lincoln, age 1 1/2

When Lincoln was about 19 months, he found a skull that we put in our fishtank sometimes, and he
said "Spiderman dead." I don't know why he thought it was Spiderman's skull.

Lincoln, age 2 1/2

Lincoln made a big mess of all the stuff on my computer desk, and I said "who made that big mess?" and he looked at me and said "Jesus did."

I think it helps a bit if you also understand that I quiz him with "who made the birds, who made the trees, who made the sun?" and so forth. To these questions, of course the answer is "Jesus."

Lincoln, age 2 1/2

A funny thing happened the other day between Lincoln and Darin when they came by our house. We were eating supper, and Darin reached over and took Lincoln's nose "off" and stuffed it in his mouth and said "I ate your nose!" and Lincoln started to scream cry and reached his hand into Darin's mouth to get his nose back and put it back on his face.

Another time, Darin reached over and "ate" Lincoln's leg. Lincoln was crying about it, and so AJ pointed and said, "Look, Lincoln. He didn't really eat your leg, it's right here." And amid the sobs Lincoln said, "He ate the leg bones!"

Lincoln, age 2 1/2

When Rochelle was pregnant over the family reunion, Lincoln looked at her belly button and said, "The baby is a boy, there is his pee-er. We will call him Hairs." A few weeks later, he said to me, "Rochelles baby in her tummy is called Ears, not Hairs now."

Lincoln, age 2 1/2

Right after his cousin Ryan was born, Lincoln was being Dayna, which means I'm Rochelle and Ana is Ryan. So, during the prayer at dinner, he said "thank you for Rochelle and baby Ryan that are sitting right there." Then he started saying "Go Utes, Baby Ryan!" "Go Utes, Rochelle!" to us.

Lincoln, age 2

When Lincoln was just over two, he said the funniest prayer. He has this toy in his room called a bumblebee hop, and he saw it in the middle of his prayer. So, after everything AJ told him to say he'd say bumblebee hop. So it went like this...

Thank thee for Gramzie bumblebee hop. Thank thee for papa bumblebee hop. Thank thee for my house bumblebee hop. etc. I was in the hall laughing so hard!

Lincoln, age 2

When Ana was just little, Lincoln came out of his room and ran down the hall to say "good morning Ana!" and hugged and kissed her. Then he looked at me and said "Probably I'm wet." He had peed out.

Lincoln, age 2

Right after Ana was born, Lincoln began putting his hands on Ana's head, and giving her blessings. He'd say "Heavenly Father father father father father Jesus Christ Amen."

Lincoln, age 2

When Lincoln was two, we were at the video store (we bought him some mini m&m's from there before) and he said "I want m&m's. I will spill them on the carpet."

Lincoln, age 2

When Lincoln was just two, instead of "tangled" he'd say "rectangled" so his lion got rectangled in the Christmas lights on the tree at Christmas.

Lincoln, age 2 1/2

We were at the store the other day, and he saw this man with a stuffed moose, and looked at him and said "a moose!" and then "I want it!"

Lincoln, age 2

When Lincoln was about 2, he started making "m's" when he drew and we were at Gramzie and Papa's house , and he had a red crayon, and was making "bloody m's" Then we went to a Christmas Fireside up at our church, and he had a brown crayon and was making "poopy m's" I said, "Lincoln it's brown." and he practically shouted, "it's poop, not brown!"

Lincoln, age 2

When Lincoln was just over two, he said "I want to tell Ana about goats" And he told her that goats have antlers and he told her what they say.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Lincoln, age 2 1/2

I didn't hear the beginning of the story, but Lincoln was talking about how Darin was complaining about how something was too loud in his ears, so Lincoln said to him, "your ears are FINE!" I wish I would have heard the beginning of the story!

Lincoln, age 2 1/2

While lighting smoke bombs, Lincoln says, "I saw Jesus in that smoke!"

Lincoln, age 2 1/2

I said: buttons are an amazing invention, aren't they?
Lincoln said with a HUGE grin: Yeah they are!
And then continued: I love hiking mountains!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Lincoln, age 2 1/2

One of my favorite stories of Lincoln was from when I spoke in church. I was sitting up on the stand, and I signed "I love you" to him. He signed it back, and then he signed it to me several times throughout the meeting. When I got up to speak, he signed it to me again. My heart was just singing with joy that we had such a sweet time signing "I love you" to each other since we couldn't sit next to each other. After the meeting was over, he ran up to me and I asked him if he knew what the sign meant, to which he replied, "AIRPLANE!"

Lincoln, age 2 1/2

In reference to the pants he chose for the day: Are these shorts? Or longs?

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Lincoln, age 2 1/2

When Cody married Armine (pronounced Ar-mina), someone said, "Where'd Armine go?" and Lincoln said, "No! She's not your Mina. She's OUR Mina!"

Lincoln, age 2 1/2

We let Darin borrow a toy and Lincoln found it when we went to visit. Very upset, he asked, "Why did Darin steal this?!?"

Lincoln, age 2 1/2

Danielle: Lincoln, we don't throw our toys.
Lincoln: Actually, we do throw our toys.

Lincoln, age 2 1/2

Lincoln brought me a book that had been drawn in and said "Darin drew on this book." I said, "someone drew in that book, but I'm not so sure it was Darin." Lincoln's response "Was it Miriam?"

Lincoln, age 2 1/2

"I need to go poop. Do I poop out of this crack?"

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