Monday, December 28, 2009

Lincoln, age 3

Lincoln was attacking me with a sword, so I said, "What do I look like? A dragon?" and he said "yes."
So I said, "What part of me? My hair?" and he said, "No, your face!"

Friday, December 25, 2009

Lincoln, age 3

Santa is rude to me.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Lincoln, age 3

Lincoln says to Darin: Let's go somewhere dark and cold! You know. The pantry!

Lincoln, age 3

Yahtzee, Nazi, mo-mahtzee

Friday, December 18, 2009

Lincoln, age 3

Maybe you could have a baby Lo Lo in your tummy, and then Miriam could have a baby Lincoln in her tummy. Wouldn't that be weird?

Monday, December 14, 2009

Lincoln, age 3

Mom, if you don't look, I will kill you!

Lincoln, age 3

L - This daddy giraffe has a baby in his tummy.
me- Oh, what's the baby's name?
L - John Denver.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Lincoln, age 3

What's an email? Is it a type of squirrel?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Lincoln, age 3

Lincoln said in his prayers last night, "Thank you for the Lion King."

Lincoln, age 3

AJ was explaining the meaning of Lincoln's bedtime songs to him one night. He explained that "I'll Walk With You" is about treating other people nicely no matter how they look or talk. And Lincoln agreed and said, "Yeah, and Little Stream (Give Said the Little Stream) is about being mean to people."

Lincoln, age 3

We were asking Lincoln which bed he'd like to sleep in, and he said none of them. So, I asked him which bed he'd like to stay up all night in, and he said "Yours!"

Lincoln, age 3

Today, Lincoln was looking at Jamie and Isaac's wedding picture that's hanging on our fridge, and he said "She looks BEAUTIFUL!" Then he saw mine and AJ's engagement picture and said, "mom looks beautiful." And he looked at AJ and said, "You look beautiful too!"

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