Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Conversations with Ana, age 1 1/2

Ana likes to go "pee" on the toilet, this is how our conversation goes:
A - pee (I put her on the toilet and immediately:) done.
Me - Are you done? Will you let me put your diaper on?
A - Nope. Pee. Done.
Me - Will you let me put your diaper on?
A - Nope. Pee. Done.
etc. This goes on and on for 5 to 10 minutes.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Lincoln, age 3 1/2

My feet are sweat.

Lincoln, age 3 1/2

I think Ana pooped. Or maybe I have stinky breath.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Lincoln, age 3 1/2

Ana was eating, and Lincoln said, "There it goes in her throat, and in her lungs, and in her gills, and in her tummy!"

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Lincoln, age 3 1/2

Lincoln and Darin were putting easter eggs in their underwear (which is funny in itself) and Lincoln said, "We're puttin' eggs in our bootys!"

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Lincoln, age 3 1/2

Lincoln was going to the bathroom, and Darin told me he was eating candy in the bathroom. So, I went in and said, "are you eating candy in here?" Lincoln said, "yes" even though he wasn't. I said, "What kind?" And he said, "green candy." Then he looked in the toilet at his poop, and said, "Oh! Nope! Brown candy!"

Lincoln, age 3 1/2

Sometimes I'm two. Sometimes I'm five. Sometimes I'm a cougar. Sometimes I'm a fish.

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