Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Ana at 20 months.

We were sitting in the sun today and Ana sat on my lap and said, "Mom, leg, white."

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Lincoln, age 3 1/2

L - Who was Thumbelina?
Me - She was as big as a thumb.
L - Is Buildinglina as big as a building?

Monday, June 28, 2010

I have enough grandmas, Lincoln, age 3 1/2

At church one of the older ladies asked Lincoln if he'd like to come to her house. I told him she was a grandma and would be lots of fun. He got shy and hid behind my leg until she left. After she was gone, he turned to me and said, "Maybe she could be my wife!"

Lincoln, age 3 1/2

We were hiking in Arches and there was a group of guys who weren't wearing any shirts. One of the guys complimented Lincoln and told him what a great rock climber he was. Lincoln responded, "I'm wearing a shirt."

Monday, June 21, 2010

Lincoln, age 3 1/2

Lincoln had a chance to talk to his papa Dave and the first thing he said to him was, "When I get big, can I drive your camper?"

Lincoln, age 3 1/2

Lincoln told me to put his shoes on the shoe rack, and I said, "What do I look like to you?" and he replied, "A monster."

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Lincoln, age 3 1/2

AJ to L - If you want to be a lady slayer, you should learn how to play an instrument.
L - I just want to be a dragon slayer.

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