Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Lincoln; age 6

AJ: So, who's the best kid in your class?
Lincoln: You mean besides me?

Jessa; 18 months

Me: Jessa, what's your favorite color?
Jessa: Me!!!!

Ana; age 4

Ana wants to name the new minivan "The Golden Milk Jug.

Lincoln; age 6

Lincoln says to me, "I'm glad it's not your birthday anymore so YOU can make breakfast for ME today!"

Ana; age 4

 "Let's talk about butts. Albatross butt. Are you looking at my butt? I'm looking at my own butt. I like looking at butts." 

Lincoln; Age 6

Me: Lincoln, come inside and get ready to go trick or treating.
L: No, I'm not going trick or treating. I'm raking leaves for the neighbors. I love to serve.

Lincoln; Age 6

Lincoln told Ana that her coat is "thunderproof." That's a pretty cool coat.

Lincoln; age 6

Whenever Lincoln finds money he shouts, "Price match!"

Monday, June 11, 2012

Ana, age 3 1/2

Lincoln says to Ana: Ana, you're going to have to find a husband to take care of you.
Ana: I just want a motorcycle.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Ana, age 3 1/2

Ana said to her daddy, "I cried because Mom got me and stopped because you took me away from her." What a stink.

Ana, age 3 1/2

While driving past fields, Ana says, "Mom! Look at that huge garden!"

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Lincoln, age 5

Ana: I have a cold.
Lincoln: No, you don't. When you have a cold, you have boogers instead of blood going all through your body.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Lincoln, age 5

"Mom, can you help me? It would be like Jesus."

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Lincoln, age 5

I was driving and got a text message on my phone and Lincoln said, "It's ok, Mom. You can text. I'll tell you when to turn."

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Lincoln, age 5

After falling, Lincoln says, "I'm magnetic to the ground!"

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Lincoln, age 5

Lincoln got an Etch-a-Sketch for good behavior. As we were driving home from the store, I looked in my mirror and saw Ana laying on her seat with her eyes half closed and said, "I think we've got some tired kids here!" Lincoln replied, "You've got one happy kid right here!"

Lincoln, age 5

"You know what we have to do at school that's really boring? We have to raise our hands when we want to talk!"

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Ana - Age 3

A, screaming and shrieking and covering her nose with her hand: Ew! It stinks in here! Jessa stinks!
Me: Jessa's not in here.
A: Ew! You stink!

Jessa at 13 months.

J: Mom! Mom! Mom!
Me: What? What? What?
J: What! What! What!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Ana, age 3

"What do you call a flying buffalo?"

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Lincoln, age 5

"Why do girls cry so much at church?"

Monday, February 13, 2012

Lincoln, age 5

Playing 21 questions, Lincoln established that I was thinking of something you wear. I prompted him to ask me questions about where you wear this item, and he said, "Do you wear it on the tramp?"

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Lincoln, age 5

L: Mom, tell me the story of Layton.
Me: What? What story is that?
L: You know? The story of Layton and Jesus in heaven?

(he meant Satan)

Ana, age 3

Ana: I'm mom.
AJ: No, you're dad.
Ana: No, I have fwishy (squishy) boobs!

Lincoln, age 5

AJ was getting a headache and resting his head in his hands at the table. Lincoln, who was sitting next to him, rested his head in hands also and said, "I'm getting a headache too. You gave me that DNA."

Ana, age 3

Ana put on my highest heels and said, "I'm mom. Mom is going outside to plant the weeds."

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