Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Lincoln; age 6

AJ: So, who's the best kid in your class?
Lincoln: You mean besides me?

Jessa; 18 months

Me: Jessa, what's your favorite color?
Jessa: Me!!!!

Ana; age 4

Ana wants to name the new minivan "The Golden Milk Jug.

Lincoln; age 6

Lincoln says to me, "I'm glad it's not your birthday anymore so YOU can make breakfast for ME today!"

Ana; age 4

 "Let's talk about butts. Albatross butt. Are you looking at my butt? I'm looking at my own butt. I like looking at butts." 

Lincoln; Age 6

Me: Lincoln, come inside and get ready to go trick or treating.
L: No, I'm not going trick or treating. I'm raking leaves for the neighbors. I love to serve.

Lincoln; Age 6

Lincoln told Ana that her coat is "thunderproof." That's a pretty cool coat.

Lincoln; age 6

Whenever Lincoln finds money he shouts, "Price match!"

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