Saturday, June 8, 2013

Lincoln, age 5

Playing 21 questions, Lincoln established that I was thinking of something you wear. I prompted him to ask me questions about where you wear (meaning what part of your body) this item, and he said, "Do you wear it on the tramp?"

Jessa, age 2

Me:  Jessa, why did you poop in your underwear?
Jessa (in a weird, bubble-in-your-throat kind of voice):  Because, my poop is stinky!

Lincoln, age 6 talking to Ana, age 4

Lincoln and Ana were having a conversation about a vacation we took to California, and Lincoln said, "California is WORLDS away from here!"

Ana, age 4

Mom, was dad your best boyfriend?

Lincoln, age 6 and Ana, age 4

Lincoln:  Why does this picture have eyes on it?
Ana:  Because we're thankful for our ears.

Lincoln, age 6

While driving through Wyoming, Lincoln says to me, "Keep your eye out for cantaloupe!"

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Lincoln, age 6

I was sitting at a stop sign, waiting to turn without my turn signal on and Lincoln said, "Put on your turn signal. You're driving like a teenager."

Lincoln, age 6

I told Lincoln maybe we could get a puppy when he's 8 and we don't have to deal with diapers anymore (that's when Wyatt will be 2 and hopefully potty trained - there is a correlation). He replied, "I'll put my Gifts of the Holy Ghost up on a shelf so the puppy won't chew them up."

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Ana, age 4

Ana: Can I play the tablet?
Me: Not right now.
Ana: But remember? You're a good mom....

Lincoln, age 6

Lincoln says the Grinch hates Christmas because his heart is two slices too small.

Lincoln, age 6

Lincoln was doing Ana's hair for her wedding by putting every bow we own in it and said, "You look beautiful. You're starting to look like an African person." Then later, he said, "You're the most beautiful girl in the world...." pause "....with all these bows in your hair."

Lincoln, age 6

Lincoln - 'Them' is not a word.
Me - 'Them'? Yeah it is. 'What did you get THEM for Christmas?'
Lincoln - What did you get ME for Christmas? THAT's the question.

Jessa at 13 months.

J: Mom! Mom! Mom!
Me: What? What? What?
J: What! What! What!

Lincoln, age 5

"You know what we have to do at school that's really boring? We have to raise our hands when we want to talk!"

Lincoln, age 6

AJ and I were sitting on the couch, squinting at my computer, trying to make out what it said on the screen about the weather.  Neither of us could read it, and Lincoln said, "Just sound it out."  Duh!

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