Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Year in Review 2014 pt. 2

  • I bought Gone With the Wind at DI today and Ana asked if she can take it with her to college where she'll be "cold and homeless." How am I going to say no to that?
  • Jessa didn't eat her lunch and was hungry and asking for food. I told her she threw her lunch away and it would be wasteful to make more food. She started to cry and yell, "I want to waste money! I want to waste money!"
  • Ana is throwing a fit and has gone to bed because "Let it Go!" from Frozen, says "Here I stand *In the light of day*!" and not JUST *and here I'll stay.* 
    On another note....Ana is also never going to eat lunch AGAIN because I didn't let her feed her lunch to the chickens.
  • Jessa and I were doing shapes and she held up an oval and said, "Ooooh! This is a funny rectangle!"
  • Lo (age 5): owls and ghosts are really mean! 
    Me: says who? 
    Lo: Jesus.
  • Jessa locked me out of the house so I knocked on the door and started singing, "Do You Want to Build a Snowman."  She opened the door and said, "But it's not snowing!"  So clueless.

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