Monday, December 19, 2016

Year in Review -2015 (it's backwards...)

Year In Review 2015
Lincoln – 8, Ana 6, Jessa 3, Wyatt 2
·         I peeled a booger off Wyatt and said, "Ew!" and he replied, "yum!"
·         Went to the Utah game today. We stuck down to the 6th row, sat down, and Wyatt shouted, "go BYU!!" oh, the swiveling heads!
·         W: I need more hot cocoa. 
Me: no. You need to eat more chili. 
W: your leg said I can have more cocoa. 
Me: no it didn't. 
W: yes. Your leg can talk.
·         Jessa got an award for doing her Preschool games. She was so proud of it she GLUED it to the wall....
·         Wyatt wanted the soap in the shower so he said, "hand me the washing machine. "
·         Wyatt says we're going to the "vegetable" of trees! Ha ha (we went to the Festival of Trees)
·         W: mom, I want to tell you a joke. 
Me: OK. 
W: one time I pooped in my pants.
·         His other joke is " knock knock. Who's there? Interrupting cow who? Moo...." all in one sentence like that.
·         Aj: Wyatt, will you pray? 
W: I said it last year!
·         Me: should we go get a pizza?
W: Oh yeah! Oreo pizza! It's my birthday! (NOT his birthday)
·         Wyatt offered me a ride home from church on the back of his bike today. 
·         - I would do a racecar one. 
Me- oh yeah? 
W- yeah. I would get in a car and fight Santa. 
Me- Santa?! Why?? 
W- Because I don't like him. I would get clippers and cut his head off.
·         Middle Of my workout, Wyatt says, "you're soggy!"
·         Aj says to me in his loving, romantic voice: Your dimples are so cute! 
Me: I don't have dimples. 
Aj: Oh. Your wrinkles are so cute. 
·         J: what's a ghost's favorite dessert? 
A: I don't know. 
J: blueberry pie! 
A: what??
J: you know. Because ghosts say boo! 
A: ohhhhh. You mean BOOberry pie. 
J: yeah.
·          I asked Wyatt what he wants to be for Halloween and he said, "black."
·         Wyatt's tantrum today? He's mad because I won't let him do a back flip off the toilet....
·         I was singing Wyatt that "love me like you do" song and he sang back, "no I don't!"
·         We were listening to Katy Perry Roar and Wyatt thought she said "floating like a butthead" instead of butterfly. Ha ha ha
·         Lincoln just asked me if I'd assign him a "fun" chore today..... *blank stare*
·         Wyatt's prayer tonight: please bless we can go to Walmart..... 
Important things...
·         Wyatt got mad because the cheese stick I gave him doesn't match his shirt.
·         Just walked outside to find Wyatt drawing on my car.... With a rock.
·         Watching the Broncos game, Wyatt says, "I don't like John Elway! I like Dinosaurs!"
·         Miriam : what do you think lives in that hole? 
Me: it's something beautiful. 
Mason: a slug!
·         Me: everybody say something that rhymes with sneeze! 
Mason: socks!!
·         Ana hops up on dad’s lap and says, "we are on our phones together!"
·         It's no problem that babies don't come with instructions.... As soon as they learn to write, they'll make you a book. 1. No whining. 2. Be nice. 3. Don't yell. 
Lincoln gave me this book, then proceeded to tell me of all the times I broke the rules today. Now that I have the book, I'm bound to be better!
·         Child: can I have screen time? 
Me: no. You haven't done your chores yet.
C: yes I did. Can I? 
Me: no you didn't. And no you may not. 
C: Why?? 
C: if you don't answer me, I'm Just going to go play.
·         Wyatt: I want to get candy at Joseph Smithes (sic). What kind of candy is this and where do I get it?  (I discovered he meant Smith’s Marketplace)
·         Watching the tour of Utah, Wyatt asked where they're going.... 
Me: to park city. 
W: I'm going to park city on my bike. 
Me: are you going to be a bike racer? 
W: yeah. In my clothes. 
·         Eating dinner tonight, Wyatt starts singing, "I am awesome! I am cool! I am part of a team!" 
I started to sing with him and he said, "don't say that. You are bad."
·         Today the kids were cleaning their bedrooms and Wyatt came out completely naked with marker all over him. On one butt cheek was written "big," and on the other was "juicy."
·         Wyatt pooped in the toilet while I was running this morning and came out of the bathroom naked. I jumped off the Treadmill and said, "we need to wipe you before you come out!" he sat down on the carpet and said, "I did wipe. See? There's no poop on the carpet." Ugh
·         Wyatt was holding a chicken and said, "this is like a citipati!" (look it up😉)
·         Lincoln was learning how to play Sims today and was asking how to get his guy a girlfriend. Wyatt suggested pushing her in the pool and punching her in the deep water.
·         Jessa fell down while hiking and scraped her finger. She was sitting there crying and Ana came all the way back and sat down next to her to comfort her and talk with her. When she saw Jessa's cut finger, she took one of her own bandaids off her knee to wrap on Jessa's finger. 
·         W: What is that momma?
Me:it's a hummingbird. 
W: it's a bear? 
Me: no. A hummingbird. 
W: it's kind of a bear.
·         Wyatt told me he is a great hiker so I asked, "what should you do if you started to fall down the mountain?" he said, "I should cry!"
·         Wyatt really loves eating vegetables. And by vegetables he means lunchables.
·         Wyatt : I can kill a bear with a stick! 
*two minutes later * I can kill a stick with a bear!
·         Me: where would you guys be without me? 
Wyatt: in the office!
·         Almost everything I make for Wyatt, he says, "this is gross!" or, "I hate this!" but he often says to me, "I should taste poop." WHAT?!
·         Wyatt: this is like peppermint. 
Me: no it's not. 
W: it's like granola. 
Me: no it's not. It's soy sauce. 
This kid just loves to talk to hear his own voice so he makes up ridiculous stuff.
·         I gave Wyatt a Nielsen's frozen custard and he said, "this is exactly granola."
Um. No. It's ice cream.
·         The girls were playing halo and Jessa's guy was standing in a river and she said, "I'm taking a bath!"
·         Me: I really don't like fighting with you guys. 
Wyatt: I'll fight you with a sword.
·         We were driving in the car and Jessa was trying to do something and got mad at me because I was "driving too much."
·         Wyatt was saying his prayers when he noticed his diffuser changing colors, and he said, "bless blue. Bless green. Bless red...
·         Wyatt saw a huge puddle today, took his shoe off, scooped up water into it, and took a drink. Almost. I stopped him just in time!
·         At Costco Wyatt saw a girl carrying around a Sophia the First dress. He stuck out his lip the rest of the trip saying, "I want a Sophia dress!" several times.
·         Lincoln's homework: list the Six colors in the rainbow. 
Me: or 7....
L: there's no violet. 
Me: they took violet away? 
L: there never was violet.
Just like Pluto was never a planet and brontosaurus was never a dinosaur.....
·         Wyatt brings me a yogurt and I told him we've already eaten dinner and won't be eating that now. He responds, "on Tuesday?" yeah, Wyatt. On Tuesday.
·         L: mom do you know about *some pokemon*? 
Me : no. 
L: Yes you do! . You know that one? 
Me: no. 
L: yes! . Do you know that pokemon? 
Me: yes. 
L: no you don't. *walks away in disgust 
·          I asked Wyatt if he wanted to kiss a baby chicken and he said, "no! It's spicy!
·         W: it's like a coffee drink. 
Me: what is? 
W: coffee.
·         Me: you can wear that (girl swimsuit) to the pool but you can't swim. 
W: I have swimming lessons. 
Me: no you don't. 
W: I'm in kindergarten. 
Me: no you're not.
·         This morning Wyatt brings me a little yellow plastic hair tie and says, "It's my special." and hugs it. Weird.
·         Wyatt: I wanna go Costco mama. 
Me: Why do you want to go to Costco? 
W: I wanna buy a toy. Elsa one.
·         We were talking to Lincoln about March Madness and discussing how it went from 64 teams to 32, then to 16 and asked him if he knew what the 16 teams were called and he said, "sexual sixteen?"
·         "Call Me Maybe" was on the radio and Jessa said "she's wants them to call her Maybe? That's not a name!"
·         Me: Wyatt, that's a bad idea. 
Wyatt: yeah! Funny!

·         Wyatt licked me goodnight instead of kissing me. Because he was a dog. He is seriously the funnest kid.

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